Iritty Coconut Farmers Producer Company Ltd.
Iritty coconut farmers producer company Ltd. Is a farmer’s producer company incorporated on 04th November 2015 under the Indian Producer company Act 2013. The company raised its startup capital of Rs 8700000 through issue of shares to the farmers. In 2018, company collected Rs 5000000 through issue of new shares to the coconut farmers for the expansion of the company. At present, the share holders are 5100 farmers from 9 panchayath around the company.
The primary and important goal of the company is to produce and market pure coconut oil at reasonable price. The company collects coconut directly from farmers and make it a s copra with own dryer. The company produces 100% pure coconut oil without the use of any chemicals and market it with the brand name of ICOC
History Of The Unit
Iritty Coconut Farmers Producer Company Ltd. Is a farmer’s producer company incorporated on 04th November 2015, under the Indian Producer Company Act 2013. The company raised its startup capital of rupees 87 lakh through issue of shares to the farmers. In 2018, company collected rupees 50 lakh through issue of new shares to the coconut farmers for the expansion of the company. At present, the share holders are 5100 farmers from 9 panchayat around the company
The primary and important goal of the company is to produce and market pure coconut oil at reasonable price. The company collects coconut directly from farmer’s and make it as copra with own dryer. The company produces 100% quality coconut oil without the use of any chemicals, and markets it with the brand name of ICOC.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is edible oil derived from the wick, meat and milk of the coconut palm fruit. Coconut oil is white solid fat, melting at warmer room temperatures of around 250C, in warmer climate during the summer months it is clear thin liquid oil. Unrefined varieties have a distinct coconut aroma. It is used as food oil, and in industrial application for cosmetics and detergent production. Now a day, the doctors highly recommend its consumption as a food.
ICOC coconut oil is one of the best coconut oil available in the market and ICOC get an award of best coconut oil from the Coconut Development Board. ICOC oil is made without the addition of chemicals like sulfur, paraffin and other oils which is harmful for health. ICOC keeps natural taste and quality of coconut oil.