about icoc
Get to Know ICOC


Iritty coconut farmers producer company Ltd. Is a farmer’s producer company incorporated on 04th November 2015 under the Indian Producer company Act 2013. The company raised its startup capital of Rs 8700000 through issue of shares to the farmers. In 2018, company collected Rs 5000000 through issue of new shares to the coconut farmers for the expansion of the company. At present, the share holders are 5100 farmers from 9 panchayath around the company

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ICOC Best Quality
& Fresh Products

Coconut oil.5 kg (5.5.Ltr)
Coconut oil.5 kg (5.5.Ltr)
Coconut Oil 2kg (2.2Ltr)
Coconut Oil 2kg (2.2Ltr)
Coconut oil.1.Ltr
Coconut oil.1.Ltr
Natural Turmeric Powder
Natural Turmeric Powder
Natural Malabar Tamarind (Kudam puly)
Natural Malabar Tamarind (Kudam puly)
Natural Honey
Natural Honey
Coconut Oil 1 Ltr.
Coconut Oil 1 Ltr.
Jasmine Soap
Jasmine Soap
Sandal Soap
Sandal Soap
Lemon Soap
Lemon Soap


Empowering the Farmers and Delivering Quality Coconut Products

Customized advice to smallholder farmers with radical efficiency and scalability agricultural. Helping farmers to emerging markets maximize their profits.

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Our vision is to establish a standard producer company to empower the farmer and to deliver various coconut products which will be sold not only in Iritty - Kannur, but also throughout the Kerala, and in other parts of the world.

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Our mission is to establish a standard and world class Coconut Oil Production Company that in our own capacity will favorably compete with leaders in the industry. We want to build a coconut oil production business that will be listed amongst the top 10 coconut oil brands.

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Key to Success

ICFPCL has keys to success that it must achieve in order to build a successful business and client base. The major key to success is ensuring the quality of the coconut being purchased which in term will ensure the quality of Copra. ICFPC stand on strong grounds to ensure the quality of oil we produce.